Make $1,000s every month! Are you getting paid for watching advertisement on TV? No... Are you getting paid for reading advertisement on the newspapers? No..
Companies around the world are spending billions of dollars to have their products and services advertised on TV, radio and Newspapers. We, the readers, do not get paid a cent when we watch or read the ads.
Do you want to make money with your computer? Do you want to get paid watching the advertisement on your computer? If the answer is yes, click the banner below.
Membership is ablsolutely FREE and you could make $1,000s every month depending on your effort. By becoming a member of AGLOCO, you will be able to download a Viewbar on which the advertisement is presented to you. You only need to turn on the Viewbar for 5 hours a MONTH, and you will get paid.
To maximize your earning, you can introduce Agloco to you friends/families and you will be rewarded 25% of what they earn and this referral system is 5 level deep. What does it mean? It means it is so much easier to recruit and build your network, and build your wealth!
So...what are you waiting for??? If you are really serious to make money online, you should act now. Click the banner below to register for FREE and start building your own network.
How can I help you? We, Agloco members, always help each other. If you sign up HERE you can write a short article that includes your Referral Link, send it to me and I will publish it.

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Ray on Spyware

There has been some mention on the internet about how AGLOCO's upcoming Viewbar is spyware. Our chief internet privacy officer recently discussed at length about these comments, a couple of which we want to reiterate here:

Spyware entails the following characteristics:

1) It’s installed without your permission;

2) It surreptitiously tracks you;

3) It is difficult if not impossible to turn off or remove; and,

4) It sends your information to an unknown and untrustworthy entity where you have no control over what happens to it.

Simply put, AGLOCO's Viewbar does none of the above. Why?

1) You have to actively install the Viewbar;

2) You have to turn it on in order for it to track your surfing habits and earn your hours;

3) You can easily turn it off and uninstall it at will; and,

4) your info is backed up by perhaps the best Privacy Policy out on the net, which gives you explicit information about what happens with your data and how you can delete it from our system if you desire.

There are a lot of questions about when the Viewbar will be released. The Viewbar is currently in closed beta testing, we want to make absolutely sure that it is fully functioning before we release it to all our Members. However, it will be released to people in the order they have signed up, so the earlier your referrals sign up the earlier you will start earning when the Viewbar is released. So best to have your friends sign up early :)

Article from AGLOCO Official
Visit the site for current posting

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